Monday, February 16, 2009

Intelligent Design vs. Evolution

For those who follow Christian beliefs, God's creation of the universe and everything a part of it has been taught to you. And if you are a true follower of God and Jesus Christ, you are to believe this idea, without questions asked. Those who are a part of public education have been taught otherwise, evolution. That the world has evolved from common ancestors, rather than just being made one day and everything being in it. Public education is a government funded program while Christians are taught in church about God and his creation. And while the church and the state are said to be separate, those who follow Christian beliefs continue to protest or fight that intelligent design be taught in schools along with the idea of evolution. The problem here, is that both ideas contradict each other, and it also violates the church and the state being separate institutions.

First off, I'd like to address that my views do not solely revolve around the fact that I am not a Christian. I have taken under consideration that those who are Christian do have strong views and I will not neglect to mention or bash on these views. My ideas will, in fact, be based upon the main idea that the state and the church must remain separate in order for freedom of religion to continue.

Intelligent design should not be taught in school while evolution should not be the only theory or idea that is taught to children that attend public schools. Both intelligent design and evolution are theories, in which case, they are not the only ideas of how the world and everything living was created nor can it be proven. While intelligent design is related to Christian beliefs, it should not be taught in school, for the sole purpose in separating the church and the state. If intelligent design were to be taught in school, Christianity is some what being taught in school. The influence education has on children is great, and what they learn in school alter their views of the world, positively and negatively (but mostly positive). By teaching this idea to students, their ideas may be shifted towards a more Christian view. And while Christian views do teach a positive attitude, it is not fair to other religions and their idea of how the world has come to be. While adding in these ideas, we are limiting the ideas of other religions, unless we are to take the ideas of other religions and add them in to the curriculum. This would then no longer teach basic scientific ideas, but it would adin religion which is even a whole wider range of ideas. This would also go against the idea that the state and the church be separate, because it would throw a whole monkey wrench into our government system. Secondly, the idea of evolution shouldn't be taught as "the" absolute and only idea that could be an explanation for how the world came to be. By using certain terms such as 'may' or 'could be possible' is more suitable for the idea that evolution is not the only theory of how the world came to be. And thirdly, which some may find offensive but is quite a simple idea, those that believe and abide by Christian views (or any other religious views) could simply attend a private school that teaches or belongs to a certain religion. And yes, some may argue that private schools don't always fit a certain income, but this school choice could be taken into consideration. By my suggestion, it does not imply that those who do not attend a private school but follow public education and are very religious are not true followers of their beliefs, rather, it is just simply a suggestion. And if private school is not exactly suitable for a certain income or choice for education, home schooling and Sunday School (Sorry, I'm not familiar with religion school names) or any other form of religious study outside of public education may also be taken into consideration.

I continue to stand by my opinion that intelligent design must not be taught in schools, based on my belief that the state and the church should remain separate, while I also believe that evolution should not be taught as the only or most possible theory for how the world came to be in public schools, there are many other explanations and not all children should be forced or limited to only believing that evolution is the only other idea than intelligent design. Intelligent design and evolution are are far ends of the spectrum for idea of how the world came to be.

1 comment:

  1. Great commentary and layout. Include the information from the reading from Hitler. 10/12 for Week 1.
