Thursday, February 26, 2009

St. Thomas Aquinas' 5 Ways

First way: Argument from motion~An object put in motion is put in motion by another object
Second way: Causation of Existence~No object can create itself; therefore, the must have been some being that caused everything to occur with Him being uncaused.
Third way: Contingent and Necessary Objects~A necessary being must exist for all other contingent beings to exist, which is God.
Fourth way: The argument from degrees and perfection~There must be a perfect standard by which all such qualities are measured; these perfections contain God.
The argument from intelligent design~All physical laws and the order of nature and life were designed and ordered by God, the intelligent designer.

I'll be honest, I'm not a Christian. I don't bash on their views. But quite frankly, I don't agree with Aquinas' theories. This is mainly because I don't feel that God is the answer to all these unexplained questions. But I am not totally athiest and liberal. There IS some sort of divine force or magical/spiritual force that causes all these unexplained happenings. And for some, I do understand that by giving it a name and supporting it with everything gives them a sense of stability. (That does not imply that Christians or people in other religions NEED a sense of stability). But focusing more on Aquinas' theories. He should have realized that there would be contradictions in his theories. Such as who could have been the person who caused/moved God and all His actions? Some would say that God has been ever existant. But for me, I don't buy it.

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